Change management is a process of continuous updating of organizational capabilities, structure and direction in order to meet the ever-changing needs of society, the organization itself, its employees. It is necessary to consider the change management system as a mechanism for integrating organizational, technological, economic, and information innovations included in the organization’s management system. Organizational changes need to be carried out quickly, as the overall pace of change at the present stage of development is higher than ever. The ability to effectively manage factors that either hinder or contribute to adaptation to changes becomes a key component of the success of any manager. Acting in the role of implementing changes, the manager must identify the problem that requires the introduction of changes. Then it is necessary to assess the environment for its implementation, determine alternative options for managing the change and its consequences.

Medical organizations seeking to ensure long-term growth and stability should prepare their employees for frequent changes. Such organizations should set clear goals, as well as form a culture that will facilitate individual and group adaptation to changes. It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a mechanism for managing changes in the healthcare system. It is the procedure for implementing changes that determines the success of improving the medical, social, and economic efficiency of a particular institution and the industry as a whole.

Key Aspect of Organizational Development and Change

Psychological Aspect

Medical institutions, like any organization, function, develop and interact in a certain environment. At the same time, a stable balance is always formed between the external environment of the medical institution and its internal characteristics. It is necessary to achieve a balance between the level of technology, management dynamics, communication psychology, personnel qualifications, organizational culture, financial success. With changes in the characteristics of the external environment (legislation, competitive environment, financial and economic conditions and psychological factors), the internal environment must also change to achieve their compliance and adequacy (Oreg & Berson, 2019).. In a certain environment, a system or an institution can function successfully and sustainably, the design of which is adequate to this environment. On this basis, the principle of adequate construction is determined.

To ensure the stability and efficiency of the system, its design must be adequate to the characteristics of the external environment. Thus, small and successful organizations must go through the stage of consolidation. In response to changes in the external environment, it is necessary to maintain or increase the efficiency and stability of the system, change its internal characteristics (structure and functions) and external structures (consolidation, creation of medical holdings). To do this, it is necessary to constantly identify and measure changes in the environment and develop appropriate recommendations on them.

Application of Change Quality Indicators

Indicators are numerical indicators that are used to obtain objective information about the quality of organizational changes. They indirectly reflect the quality of their main components: structure, processes and results. Indicators have actual and target values. The ratio of the actual indicator value to the target value, expressed as a percentage, is called the goal achievement index. Indicators of the quality of organizational changes in a medical institution should reflect the main characteristics of medical care. Thus, the effectiveness, safety, timeliness of the changes carried out is evaluated by some indicators (Stouten et al., 2018). Among them are the ability to meet the expectations and needs of the patient, the stability of the implementation of the treatment process and the result. In addition, it is advisable to evaluate the changes carried out in terms of adequacy, accessibility, continuity and continuity, as well as scientific and technical level.

The implementation of the strategic tasks facing the Institution requires the search for innovative management solutions. To do this, it is necessary to plan organizational changes that will increase the pace and volume of medical work, develop the technological level and human potential, and adequately respond to the social demand of society. For a comprehensive assessment and monitoring of all aspects of the life of a medical institution during the implementation of changes, it is necessary to select the most significant, integral indicators. Such indicators fully include quality indicators.

Designing Changes


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